Ruins of Magirita (level 1-30)
Ruins of Veherseba (level 30-45)
Ruins of Rudis (level 30-45)
Ruins of Magirita (level 60-75)
Ruins of Veherseba (level 75-90)
Ruins of Rudis (level 90 and over)
Rudis dungeon (accessible from the ruins of Rudis, is a very dangerous zone)
In all Premium areas, you have the opportunity to meet Garugon, who is one of Mixmaster's most powerful Henchs, it is clear that currently you can have the encounter with King Garugon after upgrading Elysion.
How can you enter the Premium Zone?
You can purchase the Premium Zone Ticket at the Mixmaster Store or during special events / missions.
If you get the item in the online store, access the game and go to the NPC called MailMan, can be found in all major cities and its function is to deliver items purchased in the online store or gifts sent to players.
With the ticket in hand, you will have access to all special zones of the game without the need for missions or test tickets.
Please, do not forget:
You do not need a Premium Zone ticket for all areas of the game, only special dungeons and specific zones.
The Prenium Zone ticket will disappear after the end of time.
To extend the time in the Prenium Zone, you should buy a time extension for the Premium Zone and use it before the ticket time reaches zero.
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