End of maintenance. Change log

Maintenance was completed successfully.

As mentioned in the previous post, the changes follow:

[1] Alteration of the awards received at Siege Affair, including new effects on Agipara Transformer.
Now you can receive a Weekly reward from Keeper of Gifts NPC, which is located in each Castle, (X: 117 Y:125). This reward can be received at once a week. Reset every monday. (The reward of this NPC can change weekly too).

[2] Guild ranking release according to the number of wins in Siege Affair (according to the round).
Guild rank is now available at our website.

[3] Information page about the guilds registered with Siege Affair will be available through the website, as well as the guilds that command each castle. 
Now you can visit our site and see information about current owner of castles (main page) and siege affair schedules.

[4] Hench Parapoong's status has been updated.

[5] New special quests were added.
A new post will be available soon explaining quests.

[6] Server preparation for the upcoming Halloween event complete.
 The event will start next week.

[7] Checking Achilles Tendon status in Sets, as well as balancing, if necessary.
We finished testing on the sets and are rebalancing on a parallel server. The changes have not yet been applied.

[8] Preparing the server for the release of bonuses and prizes for players above level 190 (coming soon).

[9] Fixed minor bugs reported.


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