Firstly, Trojan can only be obtained by using crafting system, which means you must gather [Trojan Books] for each piece of equipment (Gloves, Boots, Necklace, Bracelets, Rings and Helmet).
These books can only be dropped by monsters in Vulcan Lava Island which requires a [Vulcan Lava Island Ticket] item, which may only be purchased from mixmall. Though you can speak the the NPC below to receive a free trial ticket for 7 days!
Valcan Lava Island Ticket can be obtained by talking to the NPC: [Vulcan Island's Guard] in the Free Battle Zone (X: 97, Y: 29)

How to create Trojan Equipment?
You must visit the [Vulcan Island's Guard] NPC which is located in free battle zone (X: 97, Y: 29). Refer to image below. You must have Valcan Lava Island ticket to enter as mentioned above.

Trojan Equipment Books
As you see below, explains each books required materials and the monster which drops the books prior to each equipment.

Book of Production [Trojan Helmet]
Book can be obtained from monsters: NeoDarkB, Ultra Soul, Dark Breaker

Book of Production [Trojan Armour]
Book can be obtained from monsters: Blue Liddy, NeoBlueBacco, Joker

Book of Production [Trojan Gloves]
Book can be obtained from monsters: Sage, PinkFlyer, FireDuck, NeoStrigidae

Book of Production [Trojan Boots]
Book can be obtained from monsters: King Piggy, Reokyan

Book of Production [Trojan Bracelet]
Book can be obtained from monsters: NeoHellCrown, Button, Goldener, NeoAquaPing, Gold Hawk

Book of Production [Trojan Ring]
Book can be obtained from monsters: Teddy, Clover, Monk, NeoNauren, Ballzac, NewPalmBoy, MutantDouda

Book of Production [Trojan Necklace]
Book can be obtained from monsters: Bluetail, DinoKing

Equipment effects:
We are attaching images of each equipment once it has been successfully created.

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