Hello masters! We are scheduling maintenance on the server. Maintenance schedul…
Hello masters! We received some feedback after maintenance on some changes. W…
Maintenance was completed successfully and below are the changes: [1] We updat…
Hello masters! We are scheduling maintenance on the server. Maintenance schedul…
Hello masters! During this weekend, MixMall will have a 15% discount on all i…
Hello masters! During this weekend, MixMall will have a 15% discount on all i…
Hello masters! The maintenance has been successfuly completed. Bellow you can …
Hello masters! We are scheduling maintenance on the server. Maintenance schedul…
The master valor quest allows you to use henchs up to 20 levels above yours . …
Hello masters! Maintenance was completed successfully. Below are the updates: […
Hello masters! We are scheduling maintenance on the server. Maintenance schedul…
Hello masters! If you are experiencing Bug Trap or Level 190 SET problems not w…